Foodie Pen Pals: January

You know how much I love receiving packages in the mail, right?  Well, I do, especially when it involves food.  This month I received a lovely box from Leigh-Ann.  She emailed me asking for my food choices, and I left it pretty open, but indicated that I do, in general, prefer healthy snacks and foods.  Everything she sent was new-to-me items or flavors which is precisely why I love participating in Foodie Pen Pals.  First up:

kashi & ryvita

Kashi Dark Mocha Almond Chewy Granola Bars:  While I don’t typically tend to buy mocha flavored foods, I was pleasantly impressed with the flavor of these.  It could be the fact that Kashi makes great products or that you can’t really ever go wrong with dark chocolate!  These snacks have come in handy when I’ve been hungry on the go.

Ryvita is a brand that I’m unfamiliar with.  The rye crackers were a bit dry, but I did like the mild hint of sweetness that the fruit provided.

bluediamond vitwater pioneer

I very rarely buy pancake or waffles mix, but this Pioneer Brand Oatmeal Pancake & Waffle mix will be nice when I’m in a pinch or don’t feel like making breakfast from scratch.  They have four grams each of fiber and protein per serving which certainly isn’t terrible for a pancake/waffle mix.

Blue Diamond – now this is a company I’m familiar with who always makes incredible products.  While I’ve tasted some of their flavored almonds before, I’ve never had their Bold Jalapeno Smokehouse almonds.  Jonny and I both love spicy foods, so we finished this small can in no time!

The Vitamin Water Zero Mega-C with grape and raspberry flavors was especially tasty on a morning where I felt a tad dehydrated.  I don’t drink these types of drinks all too often, but every once in awhile they definitely quench my thirst.

The Lean Green Bean

Thank you, Leigh-Ann, for a great package!  I sent a box of goodies to Carissa at Lillies and Silk so check out her blog if you’d like to see what I packed.  As always, a big thank you goes to The Lean Green Bean for hosting Foodie Pen Pals.  Remember, anyone can participate in FPP!  (Both readers and bloggers!)  You get matched up with someone, and spend $15 on putting together goodies based on their preferences.  If you’d like to participate next month (you should) CLICK HERE to sign up and for additional details.

Favorite flavor of almonds?  Are you a fan of pancake and waffle mixes?

NatureBox Giveaway {CLOSED}

Who likes to snack?  I do!  I do!  Sometimes I’m a total snack monster, so when Molly from NatureBox asked me if I wanted to try their December NatureBox that was filled with their “favorite snacks,” I was more than happy to oblige.  Lucky for you, she also agreed to give one lucky reader a box, too!

Nature Box

What is NatureBox?  Each month, NatureBox chooses 5 different nutritionist-approved, healthy, all-natural snacks to include in their box for $19.95.  Plus, NatureBox donates one meal for every box to help feed over 14 million children in America who go hungry.  They believe in “doing good and eating well.”  Now that’s marvelous!


I’ll share with you the five marvelous snacks that were in December’s NatureBox so you can get a glimpse of the goodness that each box brings.  In addition to the snacks, NatureBox also provides a card that tells a bit about each of the snacks with suggestions for how to eat them or what to pair them with.  Honestly, Jonny and I have been enjoying the snacks straight out of the bag!

Wild Blueberry Flax Granola:  This was packed with antioxidant-rich wild blueberries and flaxseeds, and tasted just like a blueberry muffin!   I could not believe how strong the blueberry flavor was in this granola, and the dried blueberries were a nice touch, too.  We’ve eaten many handfuls, but I’ve also mixed it with cottage cheese for a more substantial snack.

blueberry flax granola

Lemon Pucker Pistachios: I’ve never had pistachios that are flavored, but I’m definitely a fan.  There is just the most mild hint of lemon which makes for such a refreshing snack.

lemon pucker pistachios

Masa Crisps:  These mini chips satisfy a salty craving like no other!  NatureBox’s suggestion was to dip them in hummus or sprinkle them over a salad or chili which would be awesome.  But they didn’t last that long in our house since we liked them so much.  They held their own and were tasty enough to eat plain!

masa crisps

Pistachio Power Clusters: I really do love pistachios and I love them even more since I don’t eat them as frequently as peanuts or almonds or other nuts.  The clusters balance sweet and savory flavors that really do make it hard to resist!

pistachio clusters

Dried Pears:  I love dried fruit!  However, I don’t love all the additional sugar that usually goes along with it.  I was most delighted to notice that the only ingredient in this snack was pears – no added sugar whatsoever!  And they really didn’t need it as their soft, buttery texture made for such a yummy snack.

dried pears

Now itz your turn!  All you have to do is share with us one healthy step you plan on taking in 2013 and NatureBox will give one box to an Itz Linz reader to help with their healthy snacking!  Leave a comment on this blog post.  For additional entries, complete one or all of the following steps and leave a comment saying you did:

This giveaway will be open until Thursday, January 3rd at 8:00 pm CST.  One winner will be randomly chosen and announced on Friday, January 4th and will have 48 hours to contact me or another winner will be selected.  Good luck and Happy New Year!

*Note: NatureBox provided me with one box to sample and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Edit to add: The winner of the NatureBox giveaway is #79 Brittany!  Congratulations!  Please email me at in the next 48 hours with your mailing address.  Thank you to everyone who entered!  You may order your own NatureBox by visiting their site and using the code “HEALTHY” to receive $5 off your order.  Great deal!



WODs for Kids

As most of you know, I teach third grade.  This past summer, I designed a summer school class called Active Living + Healthy Eating = Happy Kids.  The class was for incoming second through fourth graders.  Each day we practiced yoga and stayed active in a variety of ways.

I also introduced the kids to numerous options of healthy snacks.  Anyway, as the regular school year began, I knew I wanted to include some of these concepts.  Itz not easy since third grade is jam-packed with curriculum.  However, I have found some ways to squeeze in activity!

Transition times are the perfect opportunity for “brain breaks.”  Children need to be up and moving and get their blood flowing every 25 minutes or so.  Some kids benefit from even more frequent breaks, so I make sure we do a lot of moving in my classroom!  Each week, the students design a WOD (workout of the day).  They learn several exercises in their PE class, so after I model a few examples, they become pros at making the WODs themselves.

Multiple times each day, we complete the WOD.  It only takes a minute, but the kids have fun, get moving, and get their blood flowing.  Plus, itz a nice break from the rigor of third grade.

Another way students are able to release their energy and engage their core is by sitting on exercise balls.  That’s right!  Instead of chairs, my classroom has 20 stability balls that the students sit on.

While cupcakes and cookies are traditional birthday treats at school, I try to think a bit healthier when I bring in snacks.  Last year, I set up a banana bar that the kids adored.  This year, I had the opportunity to let my students sample snacks from Clif Bar’s line for kids: Clif Kid.  The first snack they tried was the Iced Oatmeal Cookie Z Bar.

“Each bar is 95% organic, made with 8-11 grams of whole grains, and contains 12 essential vitamins and minerals.  What you won’t find are any of the “no-no’s.”

  • No high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils
  • No preservatives or trans fats
  • No artificial flavors of colors” (source)

The second snack the kids tasted were the Fruit Punch Z Fruit Rope.

“Each Z fruit is organic fruit puree twisted into a fun rope shape that is easy to take anywhere kids are on the move.

  • Equal to one serving of fruit
  • Excellent source of Vitamin C
  • Gluten free
  • No preservatives or artificial flavors” (source)

My students LOVED both snacks!  I felt good about giving them these snacks as they were still considered “treats,” but didn’t have all the excess sugar that most desserts have.  And I’m not going to lie… I thought these snacks were pretty tasty myself!  Thanks, Clif Bar!

What do you think is a good kid friendly, healthy snack?

Kids Snacks

Part of my summer school class that I am teaching to second through fourth graders entails nutrition.  I have been using My Plate as a guide, but also incorporating my own tidbits of information.

How do you keep kids engaged when talking about fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy?  Feed them snacks, of course!  I really wanted them to see how easy and tasty healthy snacks could be, so throughout the four weeks I have shared some of my favorites.

Watermelon:  The perfect summertime fruit.  Cool, refreshing, and loaded with water!

Fun to eat, too!  I cut the watermelon into round slices, then cut those slices into fourths.  It made it incredibly easy to cut, hand out, and eat!

Dark Chocolate Almond Milk:  I told them how dark chocolate has more antioxidants than milk or white, so dark is a better choice.  Like all treats, even dark chocolate should be enjoyed in moderation.  We also discussed how almond milk is an alternative to dairy.  The kids loved it!  I mean, how could you go wrong with chocolate?  You can’t.

Orange Pops:  Ideally, we would have squeezed our own orange juice, but for the sake of convenience, I bought a big jug of it.  I did explain how I chose a natural, not from concentrate, no sugar added container of orange juice.  All we did was pour some juice in a little dixie cup, stick in a popsicle stick, and let them freeze overnight.

The next day, you tear off the dixie cup (it comes off surprisingly easy) and wah-lah!  Homemade orange popsicles.  Another hit!

Cinnamon:  Cinnamon can be used as a natural sweetener (read: you don’t have to pour extra sugar on top of already sweet foods!).  I had one container of cinnamon and the kids LOVED using it.  I’m not sure if it was completely the taste, the idea that it sweetens, or the act of pouring some cinnamon and passing it to their friends that they loved best, but once they started with it, they couldn’t stop!

Coconut Milk:  Mild taste and another alternative to dairy, I let the kiddos try some coconut milk.  Some liked it, others didn’t, and some thought it tasted like water.

Apple Slices & Almond Butter:  Apples by themselves make great snacks, but pairing it with some healthy fats and protein is even better! Most of the kids had never tasted almond butter before, so I was happy to introduce them to that.  I gave each child half an apple with a dollop of almond butter.  Some children chose to sprinkle cinnamon on the apple slices, almond butter, or both!

Trader Joe’s O’s: Toasted whole grain oats.  Cereal doesn’t have to be loaded with sugar to taste great.  I really emphasized choosing whole grains over refined, and wanted to prove to them that there is no difference in taste, or it’s better.  Of course they sprinkled cinnamon on, and we ate a small bowl for snack with some vanilla almond milk.  Another hit!

Whole Grain Pretzels:  Another “I told ya so” moment as kids realized that whole grain foods taste the same/better than traditional white stripped of nutrients.

Banana & Sunflower Seed Butter:  While some kids had tasted almond butter before, none of the students had ever eaten sunflower seed butter.  After they tried it (some were reluctant at first, I encouraged them to at least try), they commented, “It tastes like sunflower seeds!”  Oh, the innocence of children.  🙂

Half a banana for some stellar carbs and a spoonful of sunflower seed butter for some added protein and fats.  Fab snack!  Sunflower seed butter is a wonderful alternative for kids with nut allergies as sunflowers are seeds, not nuts.

High Fiber Fruit & Nut Multigrain Medley: Purchased from Trader Joe’s, a great “cereal” loaded with fiber, not sugar!  Again, kids had the option to sprinkle cinnamon, and we ate this with some vanilla soy milk (another alternative to cow’s milk that is packed with protein).

Banana Bar: For our end of summer school celebration, I set up a banana bar very similar to this one.  Kids LOVE having a choice and variety!  There is no picture because we are actually having the banana bar today.  Students will have the option to top their banana with strawberry/vanilla/blueberry yogurt, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, and dark chocolate chips.

Chobani Champion Greek Yogurt:  This was the highlight of our snacks at summer school!  Since I’ve reviewed Chobani greek yogurt before, I contacted the kind souls at Chobani to tell them about my summer school class.  They graciously sent an enormous package of each of their four flavors from their Chobani Champions line that is geared towards kids.

Chobani Champions are the perfect snack for kiddos!  Not only are each and every one of their flavors amazing, they come in just the right size.  Each cup packs 100 calories and 8 grams of protein.  The kids LOVED them!

Thank you, Chobani, for your generosity and for sharing your Cho Love with us!   Since we have good manners (aka: I ensure my students always display good manners when they’re with me), the kiddos wrote Chobani thank you notes that included lines like, “The verry berry was berry good!” And, “I’m going to ask my mom to buy me some Chobani!”

Those were all the snacks that we had during my Active Living + Healthy Eating = Happy Kids summer school class!  The kids would have preferred to snack everyday, but I did have a budget to stick to. 🙂  Eating snacks in this class reinforced what I already knew: Kids like healthy food.  It’s a matter of teaching them about it, letting them choose so they feel like they are in control,  and making healthy food available.

Annette just wrote a great post about how to cure obesity.  The bottom line is that parents need to educate themselves on what it means to eat healthy in order to instill a habit and patterns of making healthy choices.  Sure, bags of chips and cookies are convenient and inexpensive, but there is NO replacement for the nutrition that fruits and vegetables pack.  Not fruit juice, not fruit snacks, simply whole fruit!  Ah, I could go on and on about this, but I’ll stop here before my soap box continues.

Obviously, healthy snacks are not just for kids.  I chose these snacks because they are what I eat, too!  (Ok so maybe I have never made the orange pops before, but I think I will now! )  If you’re a parent, please please please fuel your child with the nutrients he/she needs to live a long, healthy, and active life!

You tell me: What is YOUR favorite snack?

Foodie PenPals: February

Do you like getting presents?  Do you like food?  If you answered yes to either of the questions, then you should definitely sign up for next month’s Foodie PenPals!  I’ll tell you more about it after I show you some of the cool stuff I got.  Danielle from Foodosaurus Rex sent me an awesome package!

The little cup-size salsas were not only cute, but so practical!  And they helped with portion control.  Note: when the salsa is gone, it’s time to stop eating chips. 🙂  The Back to Nature Sunflower Basil crackers were quite the hit around here, too.  I really like how they are 100% natural and include sunflowers.  (My last foodie penpal sent me sunflower snacks, as well.  Is this a theme? I’m ok with it.)  The crackers were tasty and flavorful on their own, with the salsa, or with any dip.  Speaking of snacks…

Jelly Belly Sports Beans are my go-to during long distance runs.  I haven’t run in forever; maybe this is a sign I need to start again?  Hmm. The Pure Apple Cinnamon Bar is another new-to-me snack and the website states that it’s like a “healthy slice of apple pie.”  Fine by me!  Something else that’s fine by me?  Candy.

Trader Joe’s has the best goodies!  The stores must vary vastly because I definitely did not see either of these items in my Trader Joe’s store.  I really love the dark chocolate peanut butter cups.  And dark chocolate is healthy.  So those candies were healthy.  Right? 😉  Possibly my favorite part of this month’s package was inedible, if you can believe it.

The reason why this was my favorite part of the package was that it lasted for more than half a second.  Hehe.  It was obviously perfect to include in February’s penpal box being the month of looooove and all.  I am not a decorative person by any measure, so these measuring cups are a nice festive touch to our kitchen!  And I really love hearts and pink, so they will really be perfect all year long.

Gosh, Danielle, you did good.  Really good.  I kind of think that Lindsay secretly hand picks all of my matches because, seriously, I always get the best partners!  To see what I put together for this month’s foodie penpals click on over to Heather’s blog.

Have I convinced you yet?  Remember those two questions I’m sure you answered “yes” to at the beginning of this post?  Ok, here’s how YOU can get involved.  It’s super easy and super fun and totally worth it.  Anyone can get become a part of Foodie PenPals.  Bloggers, readers, anyone.  All you have to do is email Lindsay at by March 4th and let her know your name, email address, blog (if applicable), and twitter name (if applicable).  On March 5th, she will send out an email with the pairings and some other details.  Then the fun begins.  The spending limit is $15 and you put together a package and stick it in the mail by the 15th that your partner will enjoy.  After that, you check your doorstep every single day until your package arrives because you are just that excited.  Oh, is that just me?  Whatever.  It’s awesome.

What’s the coolest package you have ever gotten in the mail?  [If you don’t have an answer, then that’s even more reason to sign up for Foodie PenPals!]