it was a good day

….and just like that, I’m 30!  Yesterday was a whirlwind of a day.  It was the first day of school which is always hectic and crazy busy.


I’m excited for what the new school year brings and eager to get to know my students.  All 24 of them.  Big class with lots of energy!  It took the majority of the day just to get organized with all the school supplies.  Today, we begin academics.  No wasting time!

There was a special delivery for me at school…

chocolate covered cookies

Chocolate covered Oreos were such a fun and delicious surprise!  Best friends ever!

When I got home, I had another surprise waiting…


Fresh flowers from one of my very best friends!

The day was wonderful.  My team ordered lunch and got birthday cake ice cream sandwiches.  I was given heartfelt gifts and a pizza cutter which only a select few of you will understand why that’s so funny.  I was showered with tons of love from everybody that matters most and then some.  I have a lot going on right now, so it was really nice to hear from so many people.  Words speak volumes.

After school, William and I headed over to my sister’s house because she wouldn’t let me not do anything on my thirtieth birthday.

steph birthday

Even if it’s “just” pizza and cookie cake (hey, nothing wrong with that!), she made sure I felt special on my birthday.  Sisters are amazing, but especially mine.  Always going out of her way for other people, as if her life isn’t busy enough, there’s always time for me.

And birthday crowns.  Definitely should be mandatory for all ages.

birthday crowns

Thanks for all the love. xoxo

13 thoughts on “it was a good day

  1. Happy belated birthday! So glad yours went well. Love that you were able to hang out with family at the end of the day. And you look great in that paper crown. Maybe that should become an everyday fashion accessory? 🙂

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